So I’ve had to take a bit of a break because my heart just hurts. Not in a physical way, though it does cause some physical pain, but in a heartache kind of way. The way that watching your once great country crumble before your eyes hurts. The way that watching people you once admired and respected controlled by puppet strings hurts. The way that watching people be offended by everything and everyone just so they can claim victimhood hurts. The way that cancel culture silences opposing opinions and ideas hurts. And this whole time, I’ve been wondering what in the world happened to common sense? Where has our logic gone? And why is everyone pretending like this is the new “normal?”
I was at church the other day, struggling to breathe through my mask, so I kept pushing it down to breathe every once in a while. I mean, every other pew is blocked off for social distancing, and had I been in a restaurant, it would be expected to take off my mask and eat if I were at a table, right? And then I started pushing it down when I needed to talk to my 3-year-old daughter, because, I don’t know, I believe children should be able to see their parent’s faces when they talk to them – which teaches them how to read body language and become socially able. And then the sacrament came my way. So what did I do? I made sure my mask was up and snug over my nose and mouth. And then what did I do? As soon as the tray was in front of me, I removed my mask so that I could partake of the sacrament, and then put my mask back on. And then I realized. WHILE THE TRAY WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, you know, the tray that everyone takes from, my mask was down and I was breathing all over the bread (and later the water). And then I realized that everyone before me had done the same thing. So this whole time we are wearing masks like obedient little sheep, limiting oxygen to our brain (that I’ve been told our brains and bodies need TO SURVIVE), to prevent the spread of moisturized air droplets that could contain a virus that is 99.9% recoverable by the majority of the population, only to remove that mask while the food that everyone in the room is taking from is right in front of us? Please explain that logic to me.
And that got me thinking. Why are they using a sanitizing wipe to wipe down the podium and microphone after every speaker, but not wiping down the door handles for the building after each person goes in or out? And not sanitizing the restroom after each person uses it? Please explain that logic to me. Either we are being hyper vigilant and compliant, or we are only doing what is visually needed to have an outward show of “compliance.”
Oh, right. We don’t use logic anymore. It has become more about our outward appearance of “compliance” than about our actual health and the health of others. And you know what the problem is with outward appearances? That gives those that comply the justified feeling that they can call out, harass and attack those that choose not to comply – or can’t comply (medical exemptions for physical and mental illnesses). You know, brotherly love and everything. I remember when Jesus spent his time with the “unclean” to minister to them and heal them. But nowadays at church it is okay to discriminate against those with medical exemptions who can’t wear masks and those who choose not to wear masks because they believe that they have the right to breathe oxygen – and no one can take that right away - because those who are more compliant are somehow better and more obedient and care more and deserve to be there to worship Jesus Christ more than the others? HEALTHY individuals who do not wear a mask are “unclean” somehow and are not welcome in the presence of those who are more compliant to the government (I don’t need to share new research studies with you that show that asymptomatic transfer is practically non-existent – you know, because the media will get right on that). And it is justified, right? For the health and safety of the whole congregation?
I seem to remember a time in the scriptures when the Zoramites decided that those who were poor couldn’t worship in their synagogues. The same people that helped to build those synagogues. Why? Because they were poor and “unclean.” Have we really reverted back to that? Who do you think made the rules at the Zoramite synagogues? God or Jesus Christ? Or people and church leaders who thought they were justified in keeping the congregation away from those who did not fit their social norm? Oh yeah, and these were the same people that built the Rameumptom. Will that come next? Those who wear masks (or choose to be vaccinated with an experimental vaccine) are allowed to sit closer to the podium, or they will build a higher podium that only those who wear masks (or choose to be vaccinated with an experimental vaccine) are allowed to speak from? Or maybe those who aren’t vaccinated can’t come to church and worship at all?
You get my point. But the lack of common sense and logic doesn’t stop there. No, in fact I’m pretty sure it is a symptom of a bigger problem. The reason why we feel we have to be compliant to our government rather than our God and His teachings of acceptance and patience, love and faith (NOT FEAR!). But I get it. Fear is a big motivator. People are afraid that they could die from this virus, or their loved ones could die from this virus – people have died from this virus. People are afraid that they could catch it in their own car while they are driving alone with their mask on. People are afraid that if they touch an unsanitized grocery cart it will be a death sentence. But how did human being’s bodies survive this long if we were so fragile? How many plagues and pandemics has the human race survived? And if the Lord allowed a plague to overtake the world and kill everyone, wouldn’t that defeat his purposes and the three-fold mission of his church? So why are we basing our lack of logic and common sense on fear? If the author of faith is Jesus Christ, then who is the author of fear? If we are allowing fear to guide every decision we are making, than who are we following and essentially giving power to?
That gets us to the point of why fear is such a motivating tactic, which stands to reason why our government would be employing that tactic to gain compliance. Not compliance to keep us safe, but compliance to keep us contained and focusing on the distraction of a virus that is 99.9% recoverable by the majority of the population – you know – similar to the flu. Distract us from what? Oh, I don’t know, maybe election fraud, attempts to bring to fruition a global power that can control everyone and everything in the world (it has been openly talked about), but that can’t be it, right? Maybe an attempt to slowly remove our constitutional and God-give rights? But our government wouldn’t do that to us, right? No government has ever done that to their people, right? Because governments always have their citizen’s best interests in mind, right? You know, communist China and their concentration camps of their own citizens where they are raped and murdered and separated from their families is for their best interest, right? And Nazi Germany exterminating their own citizens was for their best interests, right? I mean, they told their people that Jews were “unclean” and used their media as propaganda to convince good-hearted and hard-working German citizens to be afraid of their neighbors because they were unclean and because they were unclean, posed a threat. That doesn’t sound familiar does it? I mean, wearing a mask doesn’t equate wearing a gold star on your clothing, does it? Well I can tell you this much, Hitler sure didn’t take power and announce to the world that he planned to kill hundreds of thousands of people because they were “less than,” did he? Nope. He started with fear. With propaganda. And the people fell for it. Logic disappeared and common sense evaded the people. Yeah, kind of like what is unfolding right in front of our eyes. And I’ve only listed 2 examples of almost every overreaching government throughout history and RIGHT NOW. You see, with power always comes the pursuit of more power. It is what always happens. Remember the pride cycle in the scriptures?
Our country has certainly been blessed. But the constitution doesn’t give us the right to breathe oxygen. It doesn’t give us the right to work and provide for our families. It doesn’t give us the right to life and the pursuit of happiness. It doesn’t give us the right to protect and defend our families. Those are God-given rights. The constitution’s purpose was to prevent the government from infringing upon those God-given rights. So tell me this. Does the government legally have the authority to tell me if I am an essential enough person in an essential enough profession to work or not? That my family is essential enough to be provided for or not? Does it have the right to prevent me from peacefully congregating and worshiping? Does it have the right to prevent me from leaving my home and telling me how I can leave my home and why I can leave my home and when I can leave my home? It’s a slippery slope. Honestly, our government only has power as We the People give it to them. Because if the government no longer protects our God-given rights, then it is our responsibility to take that power back from them.
I get it though. We are afraid that the government will punish us if we don’t comply (if our neighbors don’t get there first). In fact, they might. But does that make it right? Does that make it okay to demean and belittle and marginalize people and their families and their rights and needs? I’ve seen the meme going around that states that the people protecting Anne Frank were breaking the law. The people who killed her were following the law. So when do we cross that line? And how did the people involved in that scenario become so complacent and motivated to do such horrendous things to their fellow human beings? Fear. Propaganda. The government said there was a threat to their society and they knew how to eliminate that threat. And good, God-fearing people let them – even though it was morally and ethically wrong.
So how did the government and the main stream media lead us to believe that we should be so afraid of this virus? Misinformaiton. Panic. Inflating the “numbers.” Paying hospitals kick-backs for every COVID diagnosed patient and COVID death. Which also inflated the numbers. Because if a person died from jumping out a two story building, but they also happened to test positive for COVID, if they listed COVID on the death report, that hospital received thousands of dollars in federal aid. So there is no motivation to list the true and actual cause of death, even though that is what killed this person. Common sense, right? Why would hospitals do that? Why would governments encourage that? Because it inflates their numbers and maintains the fearmongering that is allowing them to control us. You can watch members from our government health organizations list criteria for what counts as a legal COVID death. Literally, they could have tested positive 60 days before and you can still call it a COVID death. Even if they recovered completely, had no symptoms, or were misdiagnosed by a false-positive PCR test. It doesn’t matter if that is what actually killed them or not. And the PCR tests that have been used to diagnose? Yeah, those have been proven to have up to a 97% false-positive rate – yet that is what we based all of our numbers off of for the majority of last year. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT PERCENTAGE? That means that it is possible that only 3% of those who were told they had COVID actually had COVID, and not some other virus or bacterial respiratory infection. And the flu? Gone. Where are all our annual flu cases THAT ALSO KILL PEOPLE EVERY YEAR? It isn’t possible that even a small percentage of those being diagnosed as COIVD positive had the flu, right, or a really bad cold, right? Because the PCR tests were so accurate. Don’t worry! Common sense and logic has our backs, right? Then why are they still using these faulty tests?? As well as recommending TWO masks now. You know, because we weren’t compliant enough already. And we can ignore the many research studies that have come out showing that masks don’t work, because the government and media censors that information – because it goes against their fear narrative. Yay! More logic!
But logic and common sense don’t matter to us anymore. We are trusting institutions and leaders that are motivated by paychecks and kick-backs from big pharma and vaccine companies to make decisions for us and our families. In fact the CDC has now said that those who are vaccinated can now congregate together in small groups. And what about those who got COVID and recovered? Don’t they have the same antibodies? Oh yeah, we are not using common sense or logic anymore. Any more than the experimental vaccines illicitly state that they MAY NOT EVEN prevent you from getting the virus. That’s right. If you get COVID after the vaccine, it MAY make your symptoms not as bad. Then what is the point of getting the vaccine for herd immunity if it isn’t even making people immune? And if the vaccine isn’t making people immune, then why are vaccinated individuals allowed to congregate, but those with natural immune system immunity aren’t? And why are they making vaccination with an experimental vaccine mandatory in some areas to keep your job, to fly on a plane, to participate in other activities? Definitely common sense! Never mind the fact that it eliminates a person’s choice to decide what goes into their own bodies.
That’s right. Because we don’t live by logic any more. We only live by fear. By what the media tells us to live by. We’ve even forgotten to bring God into the equation. The Holy Spirit testifies of truth, so have we prayed about what is happening in our country right now? Have we prayed about every instance of lack of logic and common sense that we are living right now? Does your heart or gut tell you that something is off? Yeah. I know. It is so much easier to let other people make decisions for us than to stand up for what is right and true. Which by the way, was the adversary’s plan before we came to earth – to make us comply rather than letting us make our own decisions with free agency. But that is okay. The government will save us all, especially as they continue to eliminate our constitutional rights (and Free Agency) one by one while we are so distracted by this virus with a 99.9% recovery rate for the majority of the population.
Please do your own research. Please make decisions for yourself – what is best for you and your own family. Please involve God in the equation. Please revert back to common sense and logic. These things were working really well for us before. So maybe we should bring them back?
Here is a good read if you are interested:
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