Thursday, December 10, 2020

Unalienable rights


Is my right to breath and unalienable right?

 I’m currently in graduate school and the most recent class I completed was all about evidence-based practice. What is evidence-based practice? It combines the needs of the patient/client, clinician expertise, and proven research on the efficacy of the technique you want to use in therapy. It is part of my code of ethics to make sure that what I am doing with a patient/client is not only responsible, but effective. I learned a lot in this class about finding research, reading research articles, and being able to interpret if the information in the article was a highly effective and responsible study giving accurate and statistically significant and clinically significant results or not. And the whole time during this class I was thinking, where is all the double blind, randomized controlled trials with a level 1 or level 2 hierarchy of efficacy surrounding the effectiveness of wearing masks to help prevent the spread of disease? And not the good masks, like gas masks that we know are effective, but thin t-shirt like cloth masks? Or even a clear face-shield type mask that just pushes what you exhale out and around the sides of it?

There isn’t any. Not a single study that says beyond a shadow of a doubt or at least with any kind of accuracy, that wearing masks and/or face shields will protect us or those around us from contracting the virus. Yet the government of our states and even other states and countries throughout the world have mandated wearing a mask in public – and even in some cases in your own home. How is it that the government can mandate cloth mask use when there is no evidence-based research that supports it, when if I did the same thing in my practice, I could be in violation of my code of ethics?

Even our own Dr. Faucci has retracted what he originally stated on national TV and has said that mask wearing and social distancing will not prevent the spread of COVID-19. What? Then why are we still wearing masks, social distancing, and closing businesses and schools, parks and medical institutions that perform medical procedures year round? Misinformation? Mass media fear-mongering?

I’m a pretty simple gal. And all it takes is a little thinking about the logistics and efficacy of all of this. First of all, when in a grocery store, how many people touch a produce item to look for blemishes and then put it down only to pick up a different one and then do the same thing? How many people pick up one can of olives only to realize it is the wrong one and put it back to pick up another one. Are we going to assume everyone washed their hands with soap and water before they came to the store? And then used hand sanitizer before and after they touched anything? Including the bagger and the cashier that slides our food choices toward the bagger? What about those that touch those itchy masks, and then touch something, including children who can’t tolerate wearing a mask and have the audacity to use their God-given right to breathe in that store? The same goes for grocery delivery services – someone is picking out your food for you, touching it, and delivering it. It only takes one person who wipes their itchy nose, smudging their mask down a bit, and then doesn’t use hand sanitizer, right? When you look at it that way, it seems like whatever could be airborne is just one piece of the puzzle – especially when there is no proof that wearing thin cotton or polyester masks are actually doing anything to prevent the spread of the virus. How small is the virus? How small are the holes between the mask fibers? I can tell you that I can see the holes between the cloth mask fibers, and I can’t see the virus, so I’m pretty sure my logic right there means that the virus is not being held back by a simple cloth mask. But that isn’t the point, is it?

But don’t forget about social distancing. Doesn’t that help with reducing the virus? If we can’t get close enough for them to breathe on us, then that will keep us safe, right? FIRST of all, if social distancing worked, why do we have to wear masks? And if masks worked, why would we have to social distance? And are we social distancing when we meet with our doctor in a confined space? Are we ignoring the fact that they have been in that same confined space with over 20 other individuals that day alone? Are we ignoring the fact that the flu kills people every year? Tuberculosis? Cancer? Why don’t we just wear ineffective masks year round to protect everyone that may have a weak immune system? Why don’t we close down small businesses so that large companies can take over the market and become monopolies? Why don’t we kick hard working Americans while they are down and only trying to provide for their families? Because we might protect them? Or because we are pretending that these ridiculous measures are actually helping anything?

I’m confused. People are being forced to wear masks to protect the health of everyone else? Since when has my personal safety and health been everyone else’s job? If everyone cared about my health so much, then why did I have to go for years without going to a doctor because I couldn’t afford outrageously priced health insurance AND life-saving and quality-of-life saving medication that my son and I needed for our medical conditions? Why didn’t anyone demand that the major pharmaceutical companies involved make a lower-priced generic product so that my health was protected? Where was the public rallying around me when one of my surgeries went wrong and the doctor that performed it was not held liable? Why did no one stand up for my health and well-being when I was in so much pain I couldn’t work or take care of my own family? Why is no one standing up for the mental health of all of the people who are dying by suicide in isolation because they lost their job and can’t socialize with others? Why weren’t they there? Because it wasn’t their job to be there. I am responsible for my own health and safety – we all are. Do we have a moral obligation to help if we can? Sure. But my moral obligation to someone else does not come at the expense of my own rights. That kind of defeats the purpose of the constitution. And the fact that the government is the one forcing us to do this is also suspect, isn’t it? And not only because they have forced ineffective methods on us.

So their argument is that if I choose to not wear a mask, I am selfish? When I wear a mask that reduces MY oxygen levels and ability to think properly, that is not proven to protect myself or others, why is that selfish? I can think of a whole lot of other things that sound “selfish” but we aren’t being forced to do them. Do you still think it is only about public health? Or could it be about compliance?

You’ve all heard of Pavlov and operant conditioning, right? People (and animals) can be trained into believing and reacting to something that isn’t even what they originally thought they were reacting to. All it takes is trained compliance. So why does the government want us to be compliant? That is a good question, and I hope each of you have asked yourself that. Why did Nazi Germany require all Jews to wear a red Star of David on their clothing? Why did they require good and law abiding citizens to report when Jews didn’t wear one? Because they were TOLD it was for the good of their state. And the general public believed it. Is it possible that we are falling for something similar? Citizens of Germany truly thought that they were protecting the health and well-being of their country, when instead they were essentially sentencing millions of Jews (and their fellow citizens – Jew or not) to death. It started with something small – like mandatory Star of David wearing on clothing. And slowly they built up those mandates until it was too late. After they train us to comply and wear a mask, isolate ourselves away from loved ones and others that may be free thinkers, force businesses to close and jobs to be lost, schools to close, will they force compliance on a vaccine that is nowhere near ready for mass production and deliverance? Again – evidence-based practice? It is not about COVID-19. Have you figured that out yet? The government is not looking out for everyone’s health right now, and if masks worked, they would provide us with heavy duty gas masks, right? Have you figured out that it is not about our health yet? If it were, they would be using sound science and research that everyone else has to live up to except them. I’m training to become a speech therapist, not a medical doctor, yet my code of ethics is higher than what they are mandating. And before you say that desperate times call for desperate measures, I’m not sure a virus that has a 97% recovery rate for the majority of individuals that contract it is desperate times. In fact, I’m not even sure that constitutes as a technical “pandemic,” at least not without calling the common cold, childhood cancer, autism and other medical diagnosis a pandemic as well. Seriously. Please tell me that you have considered all these things already.

But the numbers!! The numbers are going up, right? I’d say that is hard to say. Who is reporting the numbers? The mass media? Please refer to my previous posts for that. If a person has cancer and is already in the hospital dying of cancer and then gets COVID-19, did he die of cancer, or COVID-19? If a person with COVID-19 falls off of a 10 ft ladder and dies, did he die from the fall, or COVID-19? These are real cases!! Please look them up. If a person can get tested 4 times at different testing centers on the same day and two of those tests come back positive and two come back negative, which test result is correct? And are they counting both of those positive tests for the same person as one result? Or two? Or did we forget the evidence-based practice when creating coronavirus testing kits as well? OH, you mean the majority of rushed testing kits that test for any of 30+ strains of coronavirus that have been around forever and cause the common cold? You mean those tests can’t always decipher if it is regular coronavirus or COVID-19 that you are testing positive for? Is that why some who test positive have NO symptoms, and others have life-threatening complications? I’m just trying to ask the questions we should all be asking instead of just complying with something that has not been based on any kind of sound research or clinical evidence. And we are falling for it! Is there at least a little bit of doubt that something is not right in this situation? In a court of law we have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt… and as far as I’m concerned there are a lot of doubts stacking up here. Could there be a different agenda? Could there be a reason why compliance is the goal and not public health and safety? Of course. Have you learned anything from our history?

I’ve mentioned this in a previous post, but where is the pro-choice movement on this issue? As a woman especially, I have the right to choose what I do with my body, right? Even if it harms the health or even kills an unborn human baby. Right? It is my choice to decide what I do with my body and when. Then why do I not have the right to choose if I wear a mask or not? Especially if it has not been proven to increase the health of those around me? And who is fighting for all of those living unborn babies and their health and safety?

And if it is my responsibility to protect the health and safety of everyone else around me, then I choose to keep a firearm on me at all times. Why? Because you might need to be saved from certain death when someone tries to harm or kill you. That is my responsibility, right?

And why isn’t everyone taking in homeless people who have no protections against COVID-19? If everyone else’s health is the priority and the motive behind wearing masks, then why aren’t government officials requiring we wear masks taking homeless people into their own homes and providing them an opportunity to bathe and sanitize and stay out of the elements so they don’t contract COVID-19 or give it to anyone else?

And do you ever wonder if we would know that we are in a pandemic if the media hadn’t told us? Are people dropping dead around us left and right? Are 90% of its victims losing their battle? Or is there a 97% recovery rate?

I’m just saying that we need to look closer at the motives and the reason they want us to comply. We need to demand that science back up their claims, and NOT science from the companies that are profiting the most from COVID-19 (that is called BIAS). We need to understand that there is definitely reasonable doubt and according to our own justice system, their argument would not hold up in court.

So why are we still complying? Why are we telling on those that aren’t complying? Why are we acting like our freedoms aren’t in the balance, and our way of life has not already been threatened and taken over? We are doing this willingly. What next? Concentration camps for the vulnerable to “protect” them? When will we decide that enough is enough? Again, have we learned nothing from our history?

I haven’t been posting proof, because I feel that people are more likely to learn and understand if they do their own research and find out for themselves. But we are weary and I fear we are running out of time. But please, at least read the following segments of what make up the freedoms in our nation:

Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Constitutional Amendment 14 section 1: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

So again I ask, is my right to breathe an unalienable right? What about my right to provide for my family? I think so, otherwise, what is the point?

Please don’t give up. Please don’t blindly follow. We are not sheeple, but rather individuals that have unalienable rights. If you have a lot of questions and want to learn more, please watch here:

Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Fact of the Matter


When I was in high school, my friend and I chose the “Pro Life” argument side for our senior paper and debate. We did so much research that we had a stack full of note cards of references and quotes and facts. However, during the debate, and after finding out that my friend and I were more prepared and had more evidence to support our side, the “Pro Choice” team started attacking our characters and our religion and our heritage in a discriminatory way instead of providing evidence for their side of the argument. I learned a hard lesson that day – that even though you have facts and research on your side, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the other side will listen, no matter how lacking they are in their information and facts. My point is, when did it become okay to attack people for having opposing ideas? And more importantly today, when did it become okay to censor them by preventing them to even say or present their opposing ideas and research and facts in the first place? Everyone in that classroom agreed that my friend and I won the debate that day – however, not a single person in that room said they would change their mind about their position on the matter. And that’s okay. I wasn’t expecting to change anyone’s mind. I was however expecting people to think about what we presented and respect the research and facts  – because if we aren’t basing our actions and possible change on truth, then what are we basing it on?

I’ve been thinking a lot about forced compliance and censorship and the shutting down of opposing ideas recently. It is a fine line that big media is playing right now – pretending to represent both sides fairly, limiting the influence of opposing arguments, and downright making up false negative narratives about people with opposing ideas so that they can falsely discredit them. Did you know that in 2013 one of our US presidents legalized the use of propaganda on the citizens of the United States? You can read it for yourself in HR 4310. And for some reason, everyone missed the significance of that. And what happened to all of my friends that are “Pro Choice”? The ones that said I have the right to choose what I do with my own body – oh, except if I want to choose not to wear a mask during the plandemic. Right. Remember that the people who are trying to influence popular opinion in their favor own the major news, media and social media stations? The bias is overwhelming, unjust and un-American. Just consider these quotes from Nazi Germany (Hitler and his Reich Minister of Propaganda): 

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” Adolf Hitler.

“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.” Adolf Hitler

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Joseph Goebbels

“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.” Joseph Goebbels

“Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.” Adolf Hitler

“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.” Joseph Goebbels

So let’s change focus for a bit and remember why freedom of speech and freedom in general is something worth fighting for. Before we all came to earth, our spirits lived in Heaven with God. There were two plans offered. Satan wanted to force all the children of God to comply (forced compliance – sound familiar?) and to believe. Jesus wanted every child of God to choose for him or herself and then provide a Savior knowing that they would make mistakes. The first plan does not allow room for any growth or progression. If you are forced to do something, then you really aren’t building your character by having to weigh the pros and cons and deciding for yourself, learning, and continually having to work on that growth and progress. And what is the whole purpose of our existence? To progress. That’s why progress is “damned” when you can no longer move forward.

As a parent I can tell you that it is hard to watch my children stumble and make mistakes. It is hard to work tirelessly to teach them what they should do, and then step back and let them choose for themselves. When learning to walk, it is often hard to watch our children fall. But if we didn’t give them the opportunity to fall, then they wouldn’t become the strong, typically developing children that they need to become so that they can continue to learn and grow. We can’t have it both ways. We can’t say we want our children to grow up strong and physically able, and also say, no, I will always carry them and make all of their decisions for them so that they will never fall. It is just something that comes with the territory of growth – the opportunity to fall – make mistakes – choose the less ideal path – get hurt along the way. Now let’s think about this in terms of human rights, freedoms and government overstepping.

One mentality says that because one person drank and drove, causing an accident, no one can ever drink alcohol anymore because they might drive and cause an accident – thus controlling the possibility of that initial choice. The other mentality is that you have the ability to choose if you drink, however if there is driving and an accident involved, then you will have consequences. (The same two sides could go for owning a firearm, or forcing condom use because it might protect the other person from pregnancy or an STD, or choosing to wear a mask in public or not). Learning and growth isn’t for the faint of heart, and when you involve an entire society of individuals that have the opportunity to make their own decisions it can be an extremely difficult thing to have to go through sometimes, especially when innocent people who are not involved in an individual’s initial decision, are harmed. But without that type of scenario, we cannot “prove” ourselves to God – we cannot progress and learn from our mistakes and repent and obtain forgiveness and then try to do better and make things better in the world. Can’t you see? Removing the option to make the mistake in the first place is not the way to achieve learning and growth, even though there may be casualties along the way. Our life right now is tragic and challenging and very ethically difficult at times, but this is the plan that Jesus endorsed – and in fact offered to sacrifice himself for. Why? Because this is the only way we can truly progress – line upon line and precept upon precept. “For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so…righteousness could not be brought to pass, nether wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad…” 2 Nephi 2:11. In other words, without opposition in all things, there would be no reason to prove ourselves. If there was only ever “happy” then we would never be “happy” because we would not have “sad” to compare it to. So ask yourself, what is the purpose of the media to shut down opposing ideas if not to force their agenda or propaganda on our society?

Yes it would seem easier to just eliminate the possibility of that error or lack of judgment or innocent bystander harm. It seems logical and like it would make everyone happy. But essentially, you would have to take away the rights of everyone, which would “damn” everyone’s progress, and when you can’t move forward you can’t find joy or true happiness. “And it must needs be that the devil should tempt the children of men, or they could not be agents unto themselves; for if they never should have bitter they could not know the sweet –” D&C 29:39. It is interesting to remember though, that we were never meant to have to endure this “growing season” on earth with our physical bodies on our own. Jesus Christ is and always will be there to lift us up, support us, and guide us when we seek His help. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free,” John 8:32. Free from what? Free from sin and oppression and darkness.

So that brings us back to this question: Why has there been so much fearmongering by the media lately? Because when you cause widespread fear, and then “propose” the solution to that fear to be something in the people’s favor (or what seems to be in their favor), than people are more likely to go along with it. Have we learned nothing from our history? Oh yeah, those same elite own our textbook companies and invest in public education curriculum and the narrative of our history. Just for a refresher for anyone who wants to do their own research…

IF you think about it, if these things are removed or severely controlled, it is a lot easier to make the sheeple in a country comply with whatever you are wanting them to comply with for “the greater good of the state”:

1. Removing or severely limiting freedom of speech

2. Removing the right to bear arms and the right to protect your own family

3. Removing the ability to worship freely - many of our ancestors came here to get away from that!

4. Removing the freedom of the press (or overtaking it and slanting or changing the truth and pushing propaganda)

Seriously, have we learned nothing from our history? What was the narrative during WWII? And why did the people go along with it? Because they were told it was for the good of their state. So why do we herald those who stood up against it and saved lives heroes? Because they were able to figure out for themselves what was actually going on – and brave enough to stand up against it. And many lost their lives for doing so. Many think the United States could never fall into that category. All I can say to that is that for as long as there has been good, there has also been evil. Please be aware. Please research and find your own facts. I’m not asking you to change your position based on what I say or show you.

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened,” Matthew 7: 7-8.

Please find an uncensored news and social media source and learn the facts before you blindly push an agenda that you don’t know about or the reason behind. If you need help finding resources that contain truth – please reach out. Sheeple are waking up and seeing what is going on – I mean really seeing. If you look hard enough, you will find truth. And let’s not forget the Holy Ghost who testifies of truth. If you see and truly ask, you can and will find the truth for yourself. You are not alone. We are not alone. I know that we are weary from everything that we see the media (including social media) telling us – so do your own research. You don’t hear the other side telling you that. You hear them saying to believe the narrative they are telling you. So please, for the sake of our freedoms and well-being, be brave, take a step back, and do your own research.

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32